Ice Harp

Total height of sculpture with base is about 10 inches.
It is about 9 inches wide. Mermaid sits on base at about 6 inches.
If she were outstretched, she would be about 14 inches long.
All parts of sculpture and base are my own work.

My one-of-a-kind sculptures are made without the use of molds, and no molds are made of them; ensuring that they are unique in the world.

Status: In private collection

Ice Harp sculpture, full view


Closeup of face

Seahorse, close up

sculpture, frontal

Mermaid, without harp

close up


All photos on this site (c)B.Kee 2010,

I am honored to be a recipient of
the World of Froud Artist Award
for September 2010


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This Website (c)2010, Barbara Kee, All Rights Reserved